Bat Musketeer B

Single miniature.

Included Bases:

Circle 25mm X 1

Artist: Villages Hope
This Bat Musketeer stands ready for action, a unique blend of beast and warrior. Clad in layered armor and a wide-brimmed hat, this figure exudes a sense of mystery and danger. A long musket is held firmly in its grasp, while a katana hangs at its side, hinting at both ranged and melee prowess. The flowing cape and fur collar add a touch of elegance to this formidable character. With its bat-like ears and determined stance, this miniature is a perfect addition to any tabletop adventure.

Miniature Size


Standard Size

29.5200 mm

18.3900 mm

31.3300 mm

Enter your desiered height in mm.

Custom Base

Bat Musketeer B