Dragonborn Rogue

Single miniature.

Included Bases:

Circle 25mm X 1

Artist: Monster Atlas
This Dragonborn Rogue miniature is a master of stealth and deadly combat. Clad in quilted leather armor and a flowing cape, this scaled warrior is ready to strike from the shadows. Dual-wielding curved daggers, the rogue is posed in a dynamic, forward-leaning stance, poised to unleash a flurry of attacks. The horned head and reptilian features add to the menacing presence, while the clawed hands and feet emphasize the character's agility and ferocity. This miniature is perfect for any tabletop adventure where cunning and speed are key.

Miniature Size


Standard Size

32.6300 mm

40.1300 mm

33.2900 mm

Enter your desiered height in mm.

Custom Base

Dragonborn Rogue